
WearAble TeCHnology in Healthcare Society

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WATCH Society (International Society for WeArable TeChnology in Healthcare) is an medical and a not-for-profit society uniting professionals of different culture and background in actively participating towards our goal: bringing together health experts, care professionals, developers, soft-and hardware manufacturers of portable technology to form a melting pot of innovation and collaboration, with the object to research and validate the development of portable technology for healthcare professionals and patients, and where possible to improve and support this object by spreading knowledge and insights gained worldwide.

WATCH is a legally founded and rapidly growing Society, in which members from all over the world interested in valid use and development of wearable technology in healthcare are interacting. Membership is extended to anyone involved in healthcare in any capacity that wishes to collaborate in an effort to change the daily functioning world of healthcare -and in doing so- re-establish the doctor-patient relationship through wearable technology. WATCH interacts via International Conferences, Newsletters, and our Official Society Journal: BMJ Innovations.

The background of our Members is diverse. Professionals are working in diverse University Medical Centers and hospitals; (non-) academic (teaching) hospitals; Technical Universities; Faculties of Dental Health, Academies for Nursing, Obstetric Care, and Physiotherapy. Next, members work in ICT & Game Design, are engaged in development of wearable tech and active in associated industry. Students are warmly welcomed at WATCH!

Members are offered many benefits, among which a discount at our conferences surpassing the Membership fee!

WATCH Society has an important Networking function that is not being covered by any other platform. Interested?. Come join and interact with WATCH now! 

We Warmly Welcome you at WATCH!
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